Ready to Get MORE FREE Traffic, Sales and Leads Than EVER Before?

NEW, Done-For-You A.I Press Release Writer (And Distribution Service) Gets You FREE BUYER-Traffic via FAST Page 1 Rankings…

(…WITHOUT The Usual, Complicated Process, Expensive Fees AND WITHOUT Having to do ANY of the “Work” Yourself!)

Ready To Get MORE Free Traffic and Rankings With The Power of AI at a HUGE Limited-Time Discount?

All you need to do is Hit the Discount Button Below

Normally $127/month

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Let Me Show You Just How Easy It Is To Have PR Scribe Write Distribute Press Releases FOR YOU! In Four Easy Steps

Login To Our Web-Based Dashboard

This is the easiest step of them all. As long as you have a computer and an internet connect, you’ll be able to access our PR Writer from any web browser you’d like.

Start A New PR Project And Choose Interactive Mode or Auto Mode And Fill Out The Requested Information for The Product, Service or Business You’re Wanting to Promote

This is where things get exciting. We have two options for you to choose from. Our Interactive mode which lets you have more control of your press release at each segment. You’ll be able to carefully choose your headline, your lead paragraph and the body of your press release. If at any point in any of these stages you’re not happy with what our AI wrote for you, you can instantly have it write another version for you. Then we have our AUTO-Mode which is exactly that. If you want our AI to handle the whole thing for you from the start, this is the option you want. All you have to do is supply your business information and customize what product or service you want your press release written for and you’re good to go. PLUS as a HUGE bonus you’ll even be able to have press releases written for you in ANY language you’d like!

Hit "Create" And Watch Our AI Engine Write You A PERFECT, human-like, ready-to-publish Press Releases in a matter of MINUTES!

This is where you get to witness some IMPRESSIVE artificial intelligence. Within a matter of minutes, our AI engine will take the information that you supplied it with in Step #2 and turn it into a HIGH-quality press release that reads as if a Professional Human writer wrote! But the best part is that, you got yours within MINUTES and DID NOT have to PAY the expensive FEE that most press release writers charge!

Click on “Distribute” And Immediately Send Your Freshly Written Press Release To Be Submitted To Our Network of High-Quality, Authority News Sites!

Yes, we did NOT want to stop at just providing you with the BEST AI Press Release writer on the market. We wanted to also cover the OTHER complicated part about using press releases which is the DISTRIBUTION. If you’ve EVER distributed a press release before in the past you know that it can get VERY complicated VERY fast and it can also get quite expensive if you want more than 1 press release to be distributed. You can easily end up paying over $200-$300 per distribution of your press release. However, with PR Scribe you’ll be able to immediately send your press release for distribution within the SAME dashboard! No extra fees, no extra hoops to jump through, no extra work, just click on “Distribute”.

Exclusive Bonuses From Nick E.N. (GoClickHub)

Agency Rights To Use PR Scribe On Your Clients Sites As Well

This bonus alone allows you to REALLY skyrocket the profit potential with PR Scribe. You’ll be able to offer this as a PREMIUM service to your clients while our software does ALL the work for you. PLUS, you can feel confident knowing your offering a PREMIUM, white label service.

We could have easily sold this as a separate upgrade and charged anywhere from $197, $297 or more. Especially when you consider that just ONE client will more than PAY for this cost. However for the next few days ONLY, you get it FOR FREE!

Distribution to 10 of our High-Quality News Sites INCLUDED

This bonus alone allows you to REALLY get the MOST results from your Press Releases. Because having high-quality press releases without a DISTRIBUTION system in place is pretty much worthless, right? The point of leveraging press releases is to be able to get exposure for your business, but also to get HIGH-QUALITY backlinks as well.

We could have easily sold this as a separate upgrade and charged anywhere from $197, $297 or more. Especially when you consider that just ONE Press Release from a site like PR Web will run you $100-$300 JUST for the distribution ALONE! However for the next few days ONLY, you get it FOR FREE!

Free Access To SyndLab Agency

If you’ve purchased any of my products before, you know that I have an ENTIRE line-up of BEST-SELLING content syndication software.

Why? Well, because content syndication FLAT.OUT.WORKS! It’s another one of the ways to get videos and niche sites ranked on page 1 of Google and YouTube. And when you combine Social Syndication with Press Releases, you get the ULTIMATE ranking recipe.

Because of that, we wanted to make sure we gave you the ability get get automated social syndication too. Because automated niche sites WITHOUT rankings mean NOTHING, right?

We wanted to make sure we had you covered with the syndication and ranking side of things as well. So, you’re getting our High-quality content syndication module (which runs via our Syndlab app) as a FREE bonus during our charter-members grand opening.

Free Access To ALL Built-In Languages For Foreign Language Press Releases

Just like ALL the other bonuses above, this is another one that could have been broken off into its own upgrade. Heck it could have probably be bundled together with bonus #2 on a “BOOSTER Bundle” type of upgrade where you can unlock Automated Distribution and ALL languages.

However, we know that we have customers from ALL around the world. And we know that many of our customers do market in other languages. We also know that marketing in languages outside of just English is EXTREMELY profitable. So we wanted to make that available to EVERYONE.

With this bonus, it DOES NOT matter if you speak another language or not. You’ll be able to profit from leveraging press releases in ANY language since you’ll have FULL access to ALL the languages built-in to PR Scribe.

Undetectable AI ReWriter Integration Included

AI is growing at an INCREDIBLY fast pace these days, right? And with that quick growth, comes its risks. Risks like the search engines starting to crack down on AI content.

However, since we’ve been creating AI software since 2018, we’re able to quickly adapt to any changes that occur.

One of these biggest changes is the crackdown of using RAW AI Content. Meaning, AI content DIRECTLY from OpenAI or any other similar AI writer.

So, we went out and built our own platform that ensures your AI content is as UNDETECTABLE as possible. Meaning, ANY and ALL AI content that gets created by our software, gets pushed through our AI ReWriter to ensure it can pass ALL the AI Content detectors. PR Scribe is no different. ALL The Press Releases that our platform writes for you, will be UNDETECTABLE and have a HUMAN-WRITTEN touch to it! This could have EASILY been it’s own upgrade as well.


Create proven-to-convert video popups using Viddopop app and start leveraging the bouncing off traffic and converting them into leads and sales.

Collective Analysis Sell

This is an online social tracking tool that gives you the extraordinary ability to track unlimited accounts from different social networks ( Including YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Twitch, Tumblr ) including day by day tracking, premium accounts, top lists, favorites system and a beautiful and complex admin panel that you can manage the whole website with. It also comes with a Paypal and Stripe payment gateway so that your users can purchase benefits from your website.


This is a powerful tool that combines unlimited opportunities for you to attract visitors, capture subscribers, and eventually get money-paying customers, that has the power to make REAL THINGS happen for your online success, like promoting ads, grabbing lists, social networking, and more. Seriously, the possibilities in Lead Hijacker are limitless, you need to use this tool for yourself to discover its full power.

Social Media Marketing Hacktics

Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are the new trend on the internet. It opened new possibilities for communication and it improved the way people connect and share. Think of it as an online ground where people can meet and interact electronically. But as you know, business thrives where people thrive. Having realized the large number of people that log in to social media sites daily, internet marketers found a new marketing channel for their online businesses.

Today, social media sites are no longer just an ingenious way for people to meet, connect, and share. It is now also one of the most powerful advertising tools that businessmen can use to connect to their targeted market niche.

Social Media Marketing Revolution

A lot of marketers have all sorts of wrong ideas about social media marketing. Some think that you only need to post "viral content" to get tons of traffic overnight. They actually believe that if you are able to pump that much traffic to your target website, a large chunk of those people will buy whatever it is that you are selling.

Maybe you're selling services, maybe you're selling an event, or maybe you are selling products from an online store, it doesn't matter. According to this idea, you just need to have a lot of traffic; courtesy of viral content on social media, and you will get the conversions you're looking for.
,br> There is an assumption that social traffic, regardless of which platform it comes from and regardless of how you qualify that traffic, converts to sales readily. Sadly, none of these assumptions are true. In fact, all of them are tragically mistaken.

Social Media Marketing Revolution

A lot of marketers have all sorts of wrong ideas about social media marketing. Some think that you only need to post "viral content" to get tons of traffic overnight. They actually believe that if you are able to pump that much traffic to your target website, a large chunk of those people will buy whatever it is that you are selling.

Maybe you're selling services, maybe you're selling an event, or maybe you are selling products from an online store, it doesn't matter. According to this idea, you just need to have a lot of traffic; courtesy of viral content on social media, and you will get the conversions you're looking for.

There is an assumption that social traffic, regardless of which platform it comes from and regardless of how you qualify that traffic, converts to sales readily. Sadly, none of these assumptions are true. In fact, all of them are tragically mistaken.

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